"… Amplifies human abilities, turning groups
into super-experts."

"...pioneered a new form of AI"

"the best way to get multiple humans
to agree on something"

"A better way to tap our collective intelligence"

"might be the best way to solve the
worlds biggest problems"

"… a breakthrough technology."

"… could revolutionize democracy"

Best AI Technology
SXSW Innovation Awards, 2018

"some of the most accurate predictions
racing has ever seen"

2017 Winner:

"more accurate results than traditional polls"

"...an ingenious tool..."

"… on the cutting edge of group decision-making."

"makes groups of people smarter"

"… the implications could be profound."

"… mighty impressive, to say the least."

"Swarms win where polls fail."

"… can deliver results with remarkable accuracy."

"brings different perspectives together into council"