Seven Team Parlay Hits Massive 80 to 1 Payday
The main story in the NFL this weekend had less to do with Tom Brady and Leveon Bell than with the absolute beating that Vegas took in Week 9. The Head Oddsmaker for Bovada noted that Sunday represented the single largest losing day in the company’s history. ESPN echoed the sentiment, noting that heavy action on the fan-favorite Chiefs to cover an eight-point spread against the inept Cleveland Browns put the sportsbooks in jeopardy. But, while the NFL Swarm did make the Chiefs its highest confidence game of the week, the AI had a lot more insight to offer than that single game between the NFL’s hottest team and its worst franchise.
In fact, the NFL Swarm delivered on each and every one of its five highest confidence games, a feat of forecasting prowess that paid off quite nicely for one member of the NFL Swarm. Last week we noted that no financial advisor would recommend a steady diet of nine-team parlays, and certainly the same is true of five-teamers, especially when the spread is taken into consideration. That’s why a five-team ATS parlay pays nearly 24 to 1, and why this member of the NFL Swarm was so happy to share the news of his good fortune with the Swarm AI community. In fact, we received many versions of this same wager from the community, including a $50 bet placed at Caesars in Las Vegas that paid $1,100.
And yet that 2,500% Return on Investment wasn’t even close to the AI’s best work this weekend. Given that both football swarms ( that is, the NFL and EPL Swarms ) have been on red-hot forecasting streaks recently, one member of the Swarm AI community decided to combine those five NFL games with two EPL matchups, and that’s when things really got interesting. This sort of creativity naturally offered a tremendous payout, but with some real risks. It wouldn’t be enough for Manchester City to beat Southampton, they would need to win by more than three goals to validate the AI’s forecast and Chelsea would have to win by at least two. So, imagine the excitement on the part of the member of the Swarm AI community who put down $5 and turned it into over $500 when Chelsa won 3-1 and Man City cruised to a 6-1 victory.
While it may be an aberration for Vegas to take the sort of losses they saw on Sunday, the football swarms are making regular habits of these performances. If you’d like to join the NFL, EPL or any other Swarm, or even just receive their weekly forecasts, please click the button below.