English Premier League: December 10th and 11th

UNU has been predicting English Premier League games every Friday for the past few weeks with strong results. This week, the Swarm Intelligence took a look at every game set to be played in the EPL this weekend.

In order to draw the most useful insight, we asked the participants in the swarm answer two questions about each game. First, we want to know how the Swarm Intelligence thinks the game will turn out, that is, who wins and by how much? Then, with that knowledge in hand, we ask the swarm to recommend how much money they’d theoretically be willing to wager on the game.

Of course, though this second question is expressed in terms of $0 to $100, it is best understood as an expression of relative confidence, rather than a betting recommendation. Here’s how this looks in practice, using West Ham vs Liverpool – one of the swarm’s most confident games – as an example.

Question 1: What will be the Outcome between Liverpool and West Ham this weekend?
Liverpool by 2+

Question 2: How much should we bet on the Liverpool to win?

Liverpool for 100

Here is the full list of picks for the weekend, ranked by betting confidence.

Liverpool to beat West Ham big: REPLAY, worth betting $100 on: REPLAY

Arsenal to beat Stoke City big: REPLAY, worth betting $100 on: REPLAY

Chelsea to beat West Brom big: REPLAY, worth betting $98 on: REPLAY

Manchester City to beat Leicester: REPLAY, worth betting $64 on: REPLAY

Sunderland to beat Swansea: REPLAY, worth betting $21 on: REPLAY

Southampton to beat Middlesbrough: REPLAY, worth betting $20 on: REPLAY

Burnley FC to beat Bournemouth: REPLAY, worth betting $18 on: REPLAY

Manchester United to beat Tottenham: REPLAY, worth betting $11 on: REPLAY

Hull City vs Crystal Palace is Too Close to Call: REPLAY

Watford vs Everton is Too Close to Call: REPLAY

Before you go, take a second to look just a little closer at the Southampton vs Middlebrough prediction. As you can see in the linked replay, the Swarm picked Southhampton to win by 1. And here’s the replay of the Swarm making its betting recommendation of $25.

Bet on Southhampton

The chart below breaks this replay down a bit further, revealing the Inflection Points where Swarm felt the bet was too high and too low. As you can see, the Swarm felt that the ideal bet on this game was right around 20 out of a possible $100.

Inflection Graph for Southhampton

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