VIDEO: Swarm AI Sets New Benchmark in Diagnostic Study

Stanford University School of Medicine and Unanimous AI  recently presented a new study showing that a small group of doctors, connected by intelligence algorithms that enable them to work together as a “hive mind,” could achieve higher diagnostic accuracy than the individual doctors or machine learning algorithms alone.

The technology used is called Swarm AI and it empowers networked human groups to combine their individual insights in real-time, using AI algorithms to converge on optimal solutions. The results were presented at the 2018 SIIM Conference in San Francisco. See more about this exciting new study here:

See the abstract for SIIM HERE.

See the full version of this study HERE.

About Unanimous AI:
Unanimous AI is a Silicon Valley company that has pioneered Swarm AI® technology, a new form of AI that combines real-time human insights and AI algorithms modeled after natural swarms. In 2018, Swarm AI technology won “AI Innovation of the Year” at the SXSW Innovation Awards. For more on Unanimous, visit

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Want to learn more about our Swarm AI technology? Check out our TED talk below…