Unanimous A.I. predicts Super Bowl score…. perfectly!

Anyone who follows the Swarm A.I. technology from Unanimous knows that by combining real-time human input and sophisticated swarming algorithms, remarkable predictions have emerged for everything from the presidential primaries to the Kentucky Derby.  This year, Unanimous made a string of predictions for the NFL playoffs, forecasting every game played. As reported two weeks ago,  the results were remarkable (Playoff Prediction Results), with the Swarm A.I. correctly predicting 9 of the 10 games against the spread (ATS).

Of course, the Holy Grail of Super Bowl prediction involves far more than just picking the winner or being on the right side of the spread. Predicting the final score of any football game –  much less the Super Bowl -correctly is so difficult that a regular feature on ESPN’s Tuesday Morning Quarterback column tracked the failure of columnists nationwide to predicted final scores, noting “Over 19 years, Scripps Howard has published 1,641 Super Bowl final score predictions and two have been correct — something to keep in mind when you’re tempted to waste perfectly good time predicting exact final scores.”

Unlike most sports columnists, you might be able to guess where this is headed.  On Friday Unanimous posted its predictions for the Super-Bowl, forecasting that the Patriots would win and cover the spread.  To generate these predictions, swarms were formed of approximately 40 football fans, who worked together online, connected by A.I. algorithms.  Here is what the swarms did:

Patriots vs Falcons (sm)

That’s right, the Swarm A.I. predicted the final score of the game, perfectly (28 – 34).  Of course, there’s always luck involved as the swarm is not psychic, just smart – but still… at some point these remarkable predictions start to feel a bit uncanny.  At least that’s how the researchers felt last night when the Patriots came back from a massive deficit to make their prediction come true to the exact point.

What’s next for Unanimous and their Swarm A.I. technology?  Well, there’s the Stanley Cup on the horizon which the company predicted perfectly two years in a row (CNET reports on Stanley Cup) and of course the Academy Awards, which Unanimous crushed two years in a row as well (Newsweek reports on Oscar swarm).  And of course, there’s March Madness where Unanimous will publish a full bracket to test its intellectual might against the most challenging forecast in all of sports.

Want to be part of future swarms and help the A.I. beat the experts?  Just sign up below and Unanimous will send you email invitations to upcoming predictions.  The process is fast, fun, and you get a front row seat to the results…

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  1. Pingback: Crowd-sourced AI exactly predicted the most improbable Super Bowl of all time | Newstories

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  5. Pingback: Paul Bratcher | Swarm AI correctly predicted the outcome of Super Bowl LI, right down to the final score

  6. Pingback: Swarm AI correctly predicted the outcome of Super Bowl LI, right down to the final score | Tech News code

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