Swarm AI Outperforms in Stanford Medical Study

Swarm AI Outperforms in Stanford Medical Study

A group of doctors moderated by AI algorithms made more accurate diagnoses than individual physicians or AI alone LINK to IEEE Spectrum: AI-Human “Hive Mind” Diagnoses Pneumonia By Megan Scudellari: First, it correctly predicted the top four finishers at the Kentucky Derby. Then,…
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Swarming MLB: AI Picks for Sept 4th

As the Major League Baseball schedule begins its post-Labor Day sprint to the post-season, teams in the playoff chase may have wildly differing agendas. For instance, Cleveland is all but assured of a playoff spot in the division series, given…
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AI System Beats Vegas at Sports Forecasting

Cambridge, UK – September 3, 2018 – Researchers today presented the first long-term study showing that an AI-powered system can outperform Vegas betting markets over an extended period. The system used in this research generated predictions for 200 NHL hockey games…
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