UNU Football Week 5: 16% ROI

Week 5 was a strong week for UNU Football. The UNU Football Swarm met last Thursday to  make its Week 5 Picks, which were recorded here on the blog, HERE.  Only 14 games were played in Week 5 of the NFL,…
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UNU Football Week 5

Check out UNU's Week 4 Results HERE.  The results below are sorted by predicted Confidence and then by Brainpower. As always, I would encourage you to watch each games replay for a better understanding of how the Swarm arrived at its prediction. For example, lower…
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Swarming the World’s Largest Telescope

Swarming the World’s Largest Telescope

China recently announced the completion of the world's largest radio telescope. The $180M telescope's stated goal is to "search for gravitational waves, detect radio emissions from stars and galaxies and listen for signs of intelligent extraterrestrial life." And since no…
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UNU Football Week 4 Picks

ARE YOU READY FOR SOME FOOTBALL?  Thanks to everyone who has participated in the UNU Football Swarms so far! Week 3 was a crazy one in the NFL, and the Swarm weathered the storm, posting a 7-8-1 record. Some highly paid…
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