UNU Football Week 8 Picks

Are you ready for some football?!  A huge thank you to everyone who participated in the Week 8 NFL Swarm!  We had a great group in UNU today, and a fairly confident one.  The results below are sorted by predicted Confidence and…
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Introducing UNA…

Earlier this week, the team at Unanimous A.I. proudly announce the creation of the world's first female A.I.  They call her UNA and she's empowered to answer questions and make predictions from a truly female perspective.  If this is the first you're hearing…
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UNU Football Week 7 Picks

Are you ready for some football?!  Thanks to everyone who participated in the Week 7 NFL Swarm! And congrats again to user "ItalianSauce" who scored his second victory in Week 6. We had a great group in UNU today, and a…
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UNU Football Week 6 Picks

Thanks to everyone who has participated in the UNU Football Swarms so far! Week 5 was a solid week for the Swarm, posting a 7-5-1 official record, and then throwing in an almost perfect bonus pick on Monday night football.…
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UNU Football Week 5: 16% ROI

Week 5 was a strong week for UNU Football. The UNU Football Swarm met last Thursday to  make its Week 5 Picks, which were recorded here on the blog, HERE.  Only 14 games were played in Week 5 of the NFL,…
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