SWARM INTELLIGENCE Predicts Kentucky Will Lose

Last week we asked a SWARM INTELLIGENCE to predict the match-ups in the Sweet Sixteen round of the NCAA basketball tournament.* Of course, every individual has their own unique strategy for filling out their brackets, from favorite mascots to detailed statistical analysis, but…
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Of Mold and Men (and social swarms…)

I think about slime mold a lot.  And fish.  And birds.  And all other social creatures that have evolved to amplify their collective intelligence by collaborating in closed-loop systems.  We have many names for these natural systems, including flocks, schools, shoals, blooms, herds, and swarms. In…
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How a Collaborative A.I. beat the Experts

How a Collaborative A.I. beat the Experts

 THE CONTENDERS: Last week, the New York Times posted their picks for the Oscars.  So did the renowned analysis and forecasting blog FiveThirtyEight.  Both made their picks based on deep industry knowledge and/or historical stats.  Both were overseen by experts…
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On Building a Moral A.I.

Much debate has erupted recently over fears that an “evil A.I” will soon emerge that threatens humanity.  Although it’s hard to assess the likelihood of the A.I. risk, it’s undeniable that the vast majority A.I. researchers are pushing for the…
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