A Billionaire in the Oval Office?

A Swarm Intelligence ponders Billionaire Presidents Let's face it: in American politics, money matters. Whether you're talking about a candidates' net worth or their ability to fund and manage a campaign, people want to know their candidates are fiscally responsible before handing over…
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A massive online OUIJA BOARD

UNU is a fun new way to hang out online. Many people compare UNU to having fun with a Ouija Board, but with UNU you connect with people from all around the world and together, you can answer questions about anything.   For example...…
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NFL Playoffs Prediction Experiment

Over the past few weeks, groups of average fans have made some incredibly accurate predictions about the NFL and College Football Playoffs using a concept called Swarm Intelligence. If you've never heard of it, Swarm Intelligence allows groups to combine their knowledge and wisdom,…
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