The Swarm Goes 7 for 9 in Vegas

Last week, a group of football fans got together online to talk about the NFL and make predictions about Week 15.  What makes this newsworthy is how they connected, for it allowed them to tap their collective intelligence and make predictions that pummeled…
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The SWARM Awakens…

The SWARM Awakens…

If you love SCI-FI, you love to debate.  Which Doctor Who was the best ever?  Who is the most loved Star Wars character?  Which was the better show, Firefly or LOST? You've seen the endless arguments in forums and chat rooms, but consensus is rarely…
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A Swarm Responds to Black Friday

A Swarm Responds to Black Friday

Think about Black Friday for a moment. What comes to mind? For better or worse, two images define this uniquely American event. First, there's the unfortunate videos of sleep-deprived shoppers storming big box stores in search of deals. Second, we have the endless parade…
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