Swarms of online users predict our Future

Swarms of people around the globe are gathering regularly inside a new platform called UNU that allows groups to think together in real-time and unleash their collective intelligence. Not only are these "human swarms" having fun hanging out online, swarms are proving to…
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Swarm Intelligence picks Rand Paul

We asked a Swarm Intelligence a question many voters are asking these days: "Which candidate has the best chance against Hillary Clinton?"  The swarm, made up of 88 USERS chosen at random, worked together as a dynamic system, as enabled by the UNU collective intelligence platform. The…
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Building CHAT ROOMS that can THINK

Building CHAT ROOMS that can THINK

Earlier this year, a group of ordinary people used an intelligent chat room to predict the winners of the 2015 Academy Awards. As published by MIT Press, their picks were more accurate than the expert bloggers at the New York Times.  Other groups used…
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GENERAL QUESTIONS WHAT IS UNU? Simply put, UNU™ is a new social platform that unleashes the hidden brainpower of groups.  Inside UNU, groups of all sizes can form their own Swarm Intelligence to answer questions, make decisions, or just have fun tapping their collective wisdom. WHO CAN…
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Swarm A.I. reveals VOTER SENTIMENT

Swarm A.I. reveals VOTER SENTIMENT

We asked a Swarm Intelligence a critical question that American voters will be asking themselves more and more: "Which major candidate would make the best President?"   The swarm was comprised of 40 USERS chosen at random, all working together as a unified dynamic system, as…
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We asked a Swarm Intelligence to answer an important question: Who was the best all around captain on Star Trek.  The swarm was comprised of 30 human brains working as one, as created by the UNU collective intelligence platform.  The choices posed to the swarm…
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