How can we measure Collective Intelligence?

How can we measure Collective Intelligence?

Everywhere you look, animals and people collectively accomplish complex goals that none could achieve individually. Ant colonies efficiently find near-optimal paths to food sources, while anonymous people collaboratively produce sites like Wikipedia. Such phenomena, known as Collective Intelligence, represent an…
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Swarms of online users predict our Future

Swarms of people around the globe are gathering regularly inside a new platform called UNU that allows groups to think together in real-time and unleash their collective intelligence. Not only are these "human swarms" having fun hanging out online, swarms are proving to…
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Swarm Intelligence picks Rand Paul

We asked a Swarm Intelligence a question many voters are asking these days: "Which candidate has the best chance against Hillary Clinton?"  The swarm, made up of 88 USERS chosen at random, worked together as a dynamic system, as enabled by the UNU collective intelligence platform. The…
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Calling all Moderators!

Here at UNANIMOUS A.I., we've built a fun new way for people to get together online.  An innovative merger of chat room technology and artificial intelligence, groups can do more than just chat back and forth - they can think together, tapping their collective…
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Building CHAT ROOMS that can THINK

Building CHAT ROOMS that can THINK

Earlier this year, a group of ordinary people used an intelligent chat room to predict the winners of the 2015 Academy Awards. As published by MIT Press, their picks were more accurate than the expert bloggers at the New York Times.  Other groups used…
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